Monday, January 30, 2006

The first week!

Ashton is really a good baby. He doesn't cry very often just when we are giving him a bath or when I am changing a diaper. He doesn't like to be naked! We have been waking him up for feedings but for some reason we are still not sleeping!

We got discharged from the hospital on Monday. They kept us an extra day because he had an episode while breastfeeding that he sucked and then forgot to breath. We also decided to supplement his breastfeeding with formula. We knew he was hungry and the colustrum wasn't enough. He does much better with the bottle. I am pumping. He latches on really well but then falls asleep almost immediately after. He had a little jaundice when we left but they were not worried about it yet. So Wednesday we went and saw the pediatrician. She said he looked really good and wasn't worried about doing another blood test to see what the levels were. After the Dr, I took him over to see the RE DR. I called him on Sat and let him know that I had my baby. He came to the hospital and saw him but wanted me to bring him by the office so the office girls could see him. He had called them and told them on Sat!

Carl has pretty much been a wreck all week long. He jumps the moment Ashton makes a noise. He hasn't been around babies to often in his life. He doesn't want to take him out of the house at all. Me? I want to show him to the world! I didn't realize how much you could love someone that is so small.

This past week has been a really big change and well, I have done a lot of crying. I am crying because I now understand why Lorna came into our lives. She came so we could have this baby here to stay with us. She sacrificed herself in order for our little boy to be here. God knew that we needed to know the IVF could work and that I needed to be on the heprin shots. I have cried for her a lot this week. Understanding the loss. I am so thankful for the angel that I have in heaven. I know that I will see her again someday. I wish that I could have had them both but God had other plans. Her birthday is coming up in just a week and a couple of days. Carl and I plan on releasing balloons again to let her know that we will never forget her.


Bitchy Witchy said...

AWWWW- Congrats Heather... I've been checking in every day since the 21st for your first Ashton post! I am glad things are going well. Being a mommy just comes natural. It's beautiful isn't it?!?!? Congrats again!

Heather said...

Heather I am so happy that you are enjoying your time with Ashton. I hope that Carl can relax soon and get into the groove of things, I know how hard it can be on men. Also, I think it is great that you are releasing balloons for Lorna again this year. It will be a great memory for you. I am sorry that you had to go through the loss, but like you said, God has his plans, even if we don't understand them. Thanks for the update!! Congratulations again on your miracle.
Heather M.

Sporty said...

Congrats Heather! I am so happy for you and he is a handsome little boy!

Take care and I will try to check in more often.

Sunny Jenny said...

What a beautiful boy! Many blessings to you and your new family!

Jenn said...

I am glad things are going well with Ashton - amazing how fast they wrap you around their finger isn't it!

I laughed when I read that he doesn't like to be naked - this time next year he will ONLY want to be naked!!!! LOL

Keep up the good work !