Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Having Trouble!

I upgraded my blog for the new format but now I can't get my photobucket account to connect. I deleted it like photobucket told me to do to try and reset it up again but now it says user name and password are invalid!! Don't know what to do. I want to show you pictures of Ashton's first birthday party!! Anyone know what I am doing wrong??

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!!!

OMG He is one!!!!!!!!!!!! That year went by so fast! His party was great. I was getting worried that no one was going to show up. His party was suppose to be at 4pm but after it started snowing, we called everyone to come early! We had 21 people come even with the snow. Carl went and picked up my sister and her clan. We had a great time.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Can't believe it!

Tomorrow, Ashton is one. Where did the year go? This time last year Carl and I were so nervous. Ashton's heart rate had dropped so and we had gone to L&D on the nineteenth but the DR on call didn't want to induce me and we were sent home to wait for my appointment in the morning. I remember it all so well and just like it had happened yesterday. At 11:00am is when the DR started the pitocin to make my labor start. My baby is just not a baby anymore.

His birthday party is tomorrow and I will post pictures tomorrow evening sometime. Hope everyone is well!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

He took his first steps!

We are so excited! He took them for his aunt and uncle. So both carl and I missed them but he did take them for us too. I can't believe that in just 10 days he is going to be one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! Where did the time go!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Last night marked the end to one of the best years of my life. The new year always for me brought with it hope. Hope that I would get pregnant and have a child. Well, 2006 was that year for me. Twenty-one days into 2006 I had my child I so dearly hoped to have. I watched him grow and learn so many new things. What a blessed year 2006 was for us. Joy, I think best describes what I felt as I watched 2006 come to an end.