Friday, February 07, 2014

9 years ago today

9 years ago today, was the worst day of my life. I found out that beautiful little miracle baby Lorna was gone. This is the day I lost you. Tomorrow is the day I finally got to see you. Happy Angel birthday Lorna. You are still very much loved and very much missed. I still cry over you. I still think of you and what my life would be like with you. Even at 19 weeks we could see you would have been beautiful. You are so missed.

Monday, February 03, 2014

Snow again

I am really hating this winter! It is keeping me out of school! I want to be done with school. I wish I could just soak all the information in and be ready to be a nurse. Anyway, we (kids and I) missed school today because of snow. My two kids fight so bad and when we are stuck inside it is even worse! Praying for my sanity! LOL