Tuesday, October 30, 2007

U/S today!

There he or she is sucking their thumb. My mother said this was the baby getting practice cause Ashton is just going to steel the boo from him or her!

This is looking down on the baby's face

Here is their profile

The dr changed my due date to May 3, 2008 so I am 13w3d!! I had the early testing done for down's and the measure wasn't good so we need to pray that this isn't so but God gave us this baby for a reason. The results won't change the outcome of the baby just that we know. IF my blood work comes back not good for it to I think we will just opt for an amnio

Monday, October 29, 2007

More pictures!

I forgot Ashton's shiner photo. This picture was taken the next morning after it happened! It ended up looking worse before it got any better. He got out of the tub and well was running around naked and I met him at the bedroom door and he started to run from me. He ran around the bed but didn't quite make it and fell into our clothes basket (hard plastic)

My niece,sister nephew and girlfriend, we went and saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show this weekend. We dressed for the occasion!! It was so much fun!! This is my nephew and girlfriend Kayla

This is my niece Andrea

This is Dina my sister and me! I am on the right side.

Friday, October 26, 2007

This is Andrea my neice. She pushed Ashton in the parade for me.10/20/07

As you can see Ashton was just thrilled with the parade!

Isn't he just adorable!

Ashton woke up the other morning when Carl went to work. It was 5am and well he was playing with his trains!

This is Taylor and Ashton. He has her wrapped around her finger!

Ashton just loves his Chocolate!


Where are you? Oh yeah, still 4 days away! I can't wait until then. I will be 12.1 weeks and I get to have an u/s. Can't wait! I just want to know if this baby is OK. I can hear the heart beat with the Doppler but I just am nervous and I am not sure why? I guess, I am just worried more about this one because of it being conceived naturally. I just didn't think that it was possible for me and Carl!!! Oh well 4 days. I have 199 days left till due date!

I will be posting some pictures of Ashton today. He got his first major boo boo on his face Monday. So I am going to post pictures of that and of the parade we were in last Sat. Right now it is 5:30am and well, I just can't sleep but I am tired. Go figure!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why I think this baby might be a Girl

Yes I think that it is a girl. I have been wrong with both Lorna and Ashton so my chances of getting this one right are at 50%! LOL Anyway, I have decided that this is a girl because of the post coital test showing Carl's troopers "swim for the light" this one trooper said "Your not right! Its this way! Its my way or the highway" This trooper makes it to its destination. (Maybe she pulled over and asked for directions!)Only a girl would be able to do these things! Not to mention we are finding the heartbeat with the doppler and she is fast-170-175 like Lorna was. Ashton was 150-155. Plus we find her very very low (yes I know I am early but sometimes I find her behind my pelvic bone!)like Lorna and Ashton was high. I guess we will find out in a matter of months!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Out of Work!

This morning I had such a problem with my sugar that I called Carl and told him that I wasn't going to be able to work anymore. I was soooo crying. With Ashton's pregnancy I had afflac. I didn't sign up for it this year because with Schneider to be elligble for short term disability you have to have 18 months of consecutive work. This was Sept for me. We thought it would be stupid to sign up and pay for a service that could only be good for 3 months. Oh Well, God has got to have a plan for us 'cause nothing brings this kind of miracle to us and with such a surprise.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't Forget to Light Your Candle!

Today is infancy loss awareness day. Normally, Carl and I release balloons to Lorna. This year we are lighting a candle in her memory. I still miss my little girl. I will always wonder what she would have looked like, what she would be like. She should be 2 now. I wonder how the terrible two's would have been to her and to us. I know her purpose in our life but it still doesn't make losing her any easier. Even though this Feb will mark 3 years I still remember the loss like it was yesterday.

We love you Lorna and miss you dearly. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you. Please watch over Ashton and your new brother or sister to be.
Love you
Mommy and Daddy

Still Can't believe

I am still having a hard time accepting that I am pregnant. It just doesn't seem right. I never in a million years would have thought that Carl and I would get the "FREEBIE" pregnancy. I used to pray to God for this baby. A baby that could come to us for free. Now that it is here well, I just still don't believe. I am picking the heart beat up with the doppler that we have and everytime I am just thinking to myself "I must be dreaming"

I used to hate it when people would say to me after Ashton was born that now you are going to get pregnant on your own. I hated it. I don't ovulate. (Well, apparently I do every now and again) Carl and I had a post coital test that showed 0 of his troopers made it to their destination. The odds of this happening to us were like 1 in a billion. Even more so that Carl and I haven't had alot of sex in the past couple of months. It just is a plain miracle that 1 on Carl's troppers found its way and that there was an egg there for them. I go through this alot in my head these days and I just can't believe.

14 days to u/s. Maybe this will help me but the first one sure didn't. I am still finding it hard to just believe in a miracle.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Everything seems to be OK

No, I didn't get the u/s liked I had hoped. However, the GD is back. Go Yuck Diet! I hate most of the foods on the GD diet but anything for a baby. I am still having a very hard time believing in this-that I am pregnant. I am greatful though that we were able to pick up the baby's heartbeat with our doppler. At least, I know that everything seems ok for now. I have an appointment in 3 weeks with my high risk dr. I will get an u/s then. So for now the countdown begins. 21 days left until I see this baby again!

Monday, October 08, 2007


I have an appointment tomorrow with the nurse practioner. This is just so I can get a referral to the perinatologist. I think this is a money making scheme! Anyway, I am scared to death that I will go tomorrow and there won't be a heartbeat ect.... I hope that she at least looks at my little one with the u/s. I won't know till then but I am a nervous wreck because of it. I guess, when you have been in a situation like Carl and I that the fear of loss never leaves. My family is so positive about the outcome because this one was conceived naturally. I wish that I could just feel this way. I don't. I know all the things that can go wrong. I hope above hope that they are all right and my fear is just fear.