Friday, March 24, 2006

New Pictures of my Man!!

He is 8 weeks old in these photos. The second one he is with his Aunt Sue.
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Monday, March 20, 2006

Ashton's 2month appt!

Last Wednesday, Ashton had his 2 month check up with shots! First I can't hardly believe that it is 2 months already. Second, he did just fine with his shots. He cried really hard and it was over. We gave him Tylenol to prevent any spiking of fever and for pain but I don't think he needed it. He is such a calm baby. He weighed in at 10lbs and 6oz and was 22 1/2 inches long. He is in the 25th percetile for his weight and height.

I am getting used to the night shift and sleeping when I get the chance with him. Other than that, there isn't much to say!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

My first week back at Work

As you know I started back to work on the first of March. I put my name down for the switcher position ( the job I was doing before I left just at a different location) I double checked that my hire date and seniority had not been changed. Well, they had. I was in shock and very very upset to say the least. What this means is I have lost my vacation and if anyone should bid on the same job that has more seniority then me, I wouldn't get the job.

I talked to my manager about this since we thought and I was told that I would keep it. He thought so too. He made some calls to the head office in Greenbay and was told that he could influence this. He made up a letter and gave about 6 reasons as to why I should be reinstated. As of Friday my date hadn't changed yet in the computer but all verbal indications are that everything is ok and will be changed on Mon. We will see if not I will look for another job even though I did get the switcher position.

It has been a long week. It is very hard to get sleep. Ashton is still on a 3-4 hour eating schedule and since I am working the night shift it is hard anyway. My sister and niece came up Thursday and Friday so that I could get some sleep before work. My sister even cleaned my house for me on Friday. I love her so much. She is just a great women!

Sorry to say not much else is going on! We are trying to get into a pattern of life with Ashton. It has been hard but one that I am so grateful to be on!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Going back to work today!

All I can say is that I don't want to go! It is going to be hard not so much leaving Ashton but the change in routine that I have to go through. It is going to be tough to go but after having been off from work since May 11. I guess I need to go!!

I was writing about the same thing 1 year ago. I went back to work after losing Lorna on Feb 28! Funny coincidence.