Monday, December 04, 2006

Wow a Month gone by!

I have been a really bad blogger lately! I am just so busy trying to keep Ashton out of things! He is on the go from the moment he wakes up until he is back sleeping again. I am only able to post this because he is now sleeping!

Let see, not much has happened! Work and life with Ashton. That about sums it up. This weekend I am going to NYC. It should be fun. I have driven through NYC more times than I care to remember but I never got to stop and visit. It is just a day trip. We will leave at 4am! and leave NYC at 7pm. This trip is just that a ride. It is up to us to do what we want when we get there. I want to see Ellis Island and Ground Zero. I would love to see a broadway show but those tickets are hard to come by and expensive! Oh how I wish FAO Swartz was still there! I will put pictures up when I get a chance to.

I have Ashtons Christmas photos and there are great! I have to work with a program to edit them that I am not used to so it may take a few days. I will post them too. We have done alot of shopping for Ashton for Christmas even though I said I wasn't going to buy much because he would be happy with just a box. Yes we have gone over board! My mother keeps reminding me that Ashton's birthday is just a month after Christmas. Like I would forget!! I am really excited about this Christmas. It will be his first and the first time in 3 years that I haven't been pregnant at Christmas. I will finally be able to enjoy the dinner!

I have been thinking of the second baby alot lately. I feel guilty for wanting another when I know so many women who haven't had their first yet. Am I wrong to want another? I love being a mom. It is the best job I have ever had. Yes, I am exhausted pretty much all the time now but I really don't care. My life is Ashton and I would love to have another. Carl and I are hoping to use our frozen embryos in the spring time. I just hope we can afford to do it. It isn't nearly as expensive to use them as it is to do all of the IVF. There are alot of women that I was pregnant with on pregnancy weekly that are now going to have their second and I am still jealous. Why is that? Infertility never ends even when you have one. It just hurts to see others get pregnant so easily. I know that other women can say that about me that the IVF took 2 times and you have one. I don't even know if any of what I have written makes sense or not. It just a feeling.

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