Saturday, July 01, 2006

Sorry for no Updates!

I can't believe that I only gave one update in June. It seems like that month just flew by! Where is time going now? I know it didn't go by this fast when I was pregnant!

Ashton is such a good baby. I have no complaints. He is just wonderful! He has his daddies attitude! It is a good thing! LOL He is growing so fast. He eats so much! LOL He is eating cereal and some fruit now. He seems to like this. I still have no photos uploaded so I made a slideroll of the ones I did have. There is a link on the side for them.

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of when Lorna was due. I miss her still. I wish I could have 2 children right now but I know that she came to let me have Ashton. We needed to know how to get a baby here (heprin injections and such) I still wonder about her everyday. Not a day goes by that I don't think of the angel that is watching over us.

Happy anniversary Lorna. I hope you like the fireworks tomorrow. I know that you can see them from heaven.


Jenna said...

I hope that you were okay on Lorna's EDD. Those days are so hard.

I love the slide show!

Sporty said...

Happy to hear from you and to get an update. I am sure that Lorna enjoyed the fireworks and was watching over you and the family!

Take care!