Monday, July 11, 2005

My Dr's appt today!!

Well my fears were just fears. Everything went well and if you scroll down you will see the u/s photo of my big one! I am saying big one because I am now measuring ahead of schedule. Eight days to be exact. That is mathmatically impossible!! So my Dr has kept my due date at Feb 3 2006. She said the blood flow looked good. She just did a quick peek with the u/s to make sure everything was ok and to give me peace of mind. She is at least sensitive to me worrying all the time!!

My sugars have been terrible this week. I sent them in a day early last week because I just knew I was going to be on the sugar pill. Her office called me on Thursday and said that she would probably put me on the Glyburide on Monday when I came in because she wanted to see me first. Carl said to me she probably wants to put you on insulin. Carl and I discussed it this weekend and thought it would be a good idea. I can't drive on insulin so work has to keep me out. Anyway, that is exactly why she waited. She wanted to try everything that she can a little different because of our loss. She said I have delivered 1000's of women's babies healthy that have taken the Glyburide. I have delivered 10's of thousands with women on insulin. She said she would prefer me to be on the insulin because just in case my body had a weird reaction to it that stepped up the Lupus Anticoagulant. She said she didn't think so but since Glyburide has only been approved for a year she would rather use a classic that she knows for sure is safe. So 2 insulin shots to my routine.

She is taking me off the Heprin and putting me on Lovenox. My RE DR did tell me to prepare for the move. He only gave me enough for 6 weeks anyway. This is how we got on this subject. Lovenox is already ready to be giving. It is in the needle and comes totally ready to put it. I like simplicity. I also get to go from 2 shots of heprin down to 1. Lovenox is longer acting. She said at 36 weeks we will be moving back to heprin. Heprin has some side effects (that I didn't know about and didn't ask either) the main one is that if you don't get enough calcium it will take it directly from your bones. Lovenox doesn't do this. However if there is a problem Lovenox is harder to reverse the effects of where heprin there seems to be an antidote of some sort! Not to sure I totally understood all of it myself but I was happy with the appointment and the little bean is growing well.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your little baby is growing so well! Wishing you a continued healthy pregnancy.

Sporty said...

That is great Heather! I am so happy for you. I am happy that everything is progressing perfectly!

Take care.

Jenn said...

I am glad to hear that everything is going well with you and your little (orshould I say big) bean!

Take Care!

Liz said...

Heather, I am so happy for you. I'm glad everything is going well.