Friday, January 13, 2006

NST again! Marginal Pass today!

Well again Ashton didn't want to cooperate! He is either really stubborn or wants his privacy. I am going with stubborn. He was moving off of the monitor again. The Dr today was satisfied though just seeing the increase and decrease on the monitor but not on the graph paper so it was a marginal pass. They did check my amniotic fluid again and everything looks good there.

Yesterday Carl and I were both sick!! Carl is better today. I unfortunately have caught a cold so the Dr gave me a prescription for antibiotics if I get worse and told me all the stuff I could take. I asked to be induced today! LOL Next Friday they are going to measure him and see how big he is. Ok so if they do induce at 39 weeks I now only have 2 weeks left! Yeah for me! I am just so worried about him and would love to have him and worry about what he is doing now!

My sister went with me today and she got to see him on the u/s machine. The tech was nice and let her look and then printed me photos. I will get them posted hopefully later. Carl unplugged the scanner and well I just can't seem to get back there with my big belly!


Bitchy Witchy said...

Yeah Congrats! Can't wait to see little Ashtons pics on here soon!

Jenna said...

I am glad that everything is going well. I can't imagine how excited you and carl must be. Your dream is finally coming true!! Two more weeks!!!

Ally said...

Hi Heather,

I'm glad everything is going smoothly...won't be long now til you see swete lil Ashton's face.

Take care and rest!!


Jenn said...

I am so happy that everything is going so well - your long journey is almost at an end - then the real fun begins!!!!!! Rub that belly!