Monday, February 06, 2006

Changed my blog name!

If you hadn't noticed already I changed the name of the blog. I guess it needed to be done. My infertility journey is over now and I am now experiencing motherhood. I thought the name would let everyone know that having Ashton was not easy. Getting him here was not easy. Let me know what you think.

When I left the hospital my OB DR wanted me to think about the form of birth control I was going to use so that when I had my check-up (Feb 28) I could let them know. Here is my dilemma on this. It has cost us a small fortune to have Ashton. IVF's meds ect.... then once I was pregnant it wasn't easy either. However, the only time in my life that I have ever ovulated was after we lost Lorna. Should we go for the MAYBE FREEBIE???? I mean I don't want to go on the pill because I get terrible cramps on it. Yes I know that is opposite of what most experience. However I also would like to be regular! In my teens I was 2 weeks with and 2 weeks off. In my 20's I was never ending and ended with 2 d/c's because of periods that lasted over 6 months. I hit 30 and well they stopped coming altogether. I haven't had a period without some form of fertility medicine in the last 7 years. I am kind of scared to let things go and see what happens but I would also like to try for the Freebie baby. What do you all think???


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,

I would have to say, go for the maybe freebie! If you are breastfeeding or at least pumping, it should put off ovulation and your period for a few months at least. Besides that, even though you have embryos in storage, you never know how many will survive a thaw, and if you can get pregnant that old-fashioned well . . . well, since in situation that's never going to happen for me, I guess I'm a little bit overly-excited for those people who have that option.

Take care,

Bitchy Witchy said...

I agree.... I think you should go for it too! But in the mean time enjoy your sweet Ashton. You were blessed, you know!

Anonymous said...


For what it is worth - here is my assessment. Infertility is so unkind, downright cruel and as we age it becomes more victorious. I tried for 6 years - suffered two surgeries, 4 miscarriages and 3 months in the hospital in preterm labor. When I had finally had my son at the age of 37, I did not want to take any chances on decreasing my success at a second child. So I breastfed until he was 6 months old & then started back on Pergonal. On the first try, I got pregnant with my second son. I guess what I am trying to say is this - when you make up your mind to try infertility meds, you already know that you run a risk of multilpe births, and sort of prepare yourself mentally for the challenges that multiples will bring. Even though mine was a single birth, I had convinced myself that i could have handled multiples, so when I could start to try again, I drew on that strength because I knew that age was working against me. The decision is yours, but maybe i have helped in some way.

Good luck in whatever you decide, and most of all may you be blessed with many joys in watching your son grow, for they do that fast - my oldest is almost 15, but i can recall my experiences as though they happened yesterday.

Sunny Jenny said...

Go for it! As long as you're not at any risk by not taking b/c I say go for the baby! It may be nice not to worry about any meds for a while!

Anonymous said...

I say go for it. As long as nothing bad can happen from it. Yeah, I would.