Friday, March 11, 2005

I get to keep my job

Well, I found out on Tuesday that at my work, they were going to be eliminating 1 position. My husband and I work at the same place so it is kind of nerve racking when there is talk of losing a position. We are not the low man on the totem pole and we should be ok. We wouldn't lose our job all together we just have to change what we are doing and what time we go to work ect. We can be thankful for that.
Anyway, we called our boss to be sure what we were hearing in plant was true. He said to us that he didn't want us to find out until Thurs.. What difference does the day make? Why do companies hide stuff until later? Just tell people. Anyway he confirmed that we were losing a position. He asks my husband if we were going to try again and he says yes. I ask him if that meant anything and he says "Well if you get pregnant again, I am sure the DR is not going to allow you to work and we would have to go and get Allan back" Can you believe that. I am 2nd from the top on the list of seniority. I am kind of shocked.
I start thinking about what he said and I started to get mad about it. That is sexual discrimination. I think I would have a law suit. Anyway, Thurs rolls around and our boss says he was going to talk to us about it. We had to call about the job because he forgot. Low man on the pole got cut. I guess someone must have told him what he was doing was wrong. Our hours did change and that will affect me and Carl. We have always worked side by side and now I am going to work 9am to 6pm and he is working 4pm to 1am. I won't be spending 24/7 with him but I am glad I got to keep my job.

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