Monday, April 18, 2005

I think I jinxed myself into saying things were boring

OK, my last post was titled "What a boring weekend and week so far". That was on April 13. On the 14th our alarm to our house was set off by the basement door (shock sensor). I am so glad that Carl was home. No one was there (we think but lock is lose) All our motion lights were on too. It made it very scary. So since it went off again on Sunday we think we have a bad sensor. Thank God all is well and there is no one trying to get into our house. I am home alone to often to take that kind of fear.

Well, on Saturday we finished up Courtney's soap box car. She is our God daughter and the love of our life. We bought her a soap box car for Christmas. She went with us to a couple of races last year. My dad is so into it. He owns 6 cars. We traveled everywhere last year racing. It was so much fun. We had to convince Courtney to do it. When we first asked her if she wanted to race (she hadn't seen one yet) she thought they were made out of cardboard. She was only 7 then. You have to be 8 to race. January took care of that.

After that Carl and I went shopping for Lorna's memorial tree. We found a very pretty Weeping Cherry tree and of coarse it was sold!! Nuts, we were going to have to settle for another one that wasn't so big. Carl went and asked about the tree (the one we didn't want) cause there were some marks on the bark. The guy come out and looks and says "Oh that is from the Locust last year" Carl happened to make a comment about the one we wanted and he said we could have it cause it was for his wife. So we got the tree that was marked sold but meant for us. I think Lorna had a hand in it.

Sunday we went golfing with our boss. It was so much fun. I only played 11 holes. My hands were starting to blister! Our boss Earl, hit a ball that hit a tree and came right back at him. It even went farther back then he originally was. It was so funny.

On the trying to conceive front. I had a scare today. I had some break thru bleeding on the pill. It really did upset me cause I thought here we are just trying to get fresh embryo's in both my sis and me and now we are going to have to put frozen one's in my sis. Anyway, DR said not to worry that there is something he can give me tomorrow if I haven't stopped bleeding. WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE! THERE IS A PILL TO KEEP THE CYCLE AWAY? DOES IT WORK WITH PMS TOO?

I have been trying to take things as they come. Trying to stay positive. Trying to be patient. Trying not to be nervous too. I have been hoping a lot too. I hope that all is good. I hope that all who have been in this boat with me find their positives at the end of the rainbow soon (VERY).

1 comment:

Ally said...


I had break through bleeding last month and I was downright frightened. It turned out to be nothing...sometimes it just happens.

I'm glad you got the memorial tree you wanted...I bet she did have a hand in it. :)

Take care,
