Sunday, October 30, 2005

My mother felt Ashton move last night!

She was so excited. Ashton had the hiccups so it was easy to catch a movement. This is my father and mother last christmas.
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Jenna said...

That is so cool, I bet she was glad that Ashton had the hiccups last night. I am glad that things are going well.

Sporty said...

Glad that they got to feel him move. I bet they were really excited. They are cute together!

take care.

Liz said...

Lucky grandma....I'm sure it was very exciting.

Becky said...

I read your blog up till your BFP and then skimmed through the rest. CONGRATS on sweet Ashton. I bet you are so excited for him to get here. I have been struggling with secondary infertility for the past 19 months. I have only done 2 cycles of Clomid so far. Going to give it a few more cycles before seeking out a specialist. I am so blessed to have the 2 heathly beautiful boys I do have and I'm hoping in God's time he will bless our family with more children. If His calling for us is something other than a big family then I will be ok with that also. I was 19 when I got pg with my first son....after the dr. told me how lucky i was to have not of waited since I may not have been able to have children otherwise.....being young and pg almost 10 years ago doesn't seem so bad. As a way to shift our focus from infertiltiy and back onto our marriage my husband and I are trying a 30 day experiment. I've started a blog on it....if you're interested please come and check it out!!
Best of luck to you and are going to be a GREAT mommy!!!

Becky said...

sorry heather!!
my blog is
type-o!! oops!!