Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Final Shot Last night

Monday and Tuesday I had an appointment with the DR. My estrogen has stayed down!! Yeah. I feel like such a champ!! That is almost funny!! Anyway, I had plenty of eggs on my right that were from 18-22mm in size! I hope all of them are good eggs! My left ovary was not cooperating. She is shy and doesn't like her picture taken. Dr said there were some over there but he couldn't get a really good look. My egg retrieval is for Thursday!

I cancelled my sister's surgery for today. The hospital finally called with a price tag. They called yesterday and expected me to pay them yesterday for the procedure. I told the lady that for one the price was ridulculous $5000 and then also she should have called more in advanced so we could be sure that we had the money in certain accounts. My DR happens to agree that the price is way to high even for a city. We are thinking about flying her here and having him do it! It is still cheaper then doing it out there. I could almost have another IVF cycle for that price. I wonder what that DR charges for an IVF if that is what he charges for a hysterscopy!


Liz said...

You should feel like a've been through a lot and have survived! I am so excited for you. I'm glad there are plenty of eggs and the size sounds great. Good luck on your retrieval.

I can't believe how much they are charging for your sister's's outrageous. Hopefully you can schedule something with your DR but who knows maybe you won't need for your sister to also do an IVF 2 weeks you might get a BFP.

Crossing my fingers and saying lots of prayers that all goes well and you are blessed with a baby. Good luck!!

Jenna said...

Sorry I haven't been on much, I have been so excited for you! Egg retrieval today!! Yea!!!! It is moving so fast!!!
That really sucks about your sister. I can't believe they are charging that much.
I really hope that everything works out. You are in my thoughts. I hope we get to talk soon.