Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Testing tomorrow!!

I am starting to get a little impatient for tomorrow to be here. I have thought about the HPT but the question is "do I want to ruin today or not?" Do I want to be disappointed both days. The answer is no. I will have to wait. Sometimes, I am jealous of those women that get to pee on a stick 5 days early. I know that it is better to wait. It is only 24 hours until the bell tolls. I hope that it is positive but I don't feel like it is going to be. I hope that God will bless me with another baby and let this one be the one that gets here alive. Hope is all I have left. Hope is all I can do. No matter the outcome tomorrow + or - I would like to thank all of you that have given me support during this time. Here and over at PW. I think about all of you a lot.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Dear God, Please let Heather get a Big Fat Positive tomorrow. She has been through so much and deserves this.

Good luck to you Heather!