Saturday, May 28, 2005

First Shot of Heprin

The first shot is in. It took the pharmacy all day to find some. The first shot made me feel weird. That is about the best way to describe it. Carl gave it to me. This morning though. I have given it to myself. I hope that this works. I hope that this is all I need this time to get a baby here. Since I am on the Heprin, I will not be able to work for a minimum of 30 days. This is the law for a truck driver. Your meds have to be under control before you can get behind the wheel. So I am on disability. I am ok with that cause it give my little on more time to get a grip. I will be 8 weeks before I have to return to work. If there is more than 1 in there I can guarantee that the OB DR will not let me work my job. We will see. (By the way I am not complaining about not working, I love not to work!!)

I am excited about this opportunity to try again but I am also terrified. I am trying not to allow the negative thoughts to enter in but you know how that is. I am going to stick to my plan of loving every minute of my pregnancy. I am going to love this baby no matter the outcome. If they are here for a short while or a long one they will know love.

Well, my cramping episodes are back. I had these terrible cramps with Lorna at the beginning of the pregnancy. They were horrible. They make me sweat and cry. I was so hoping that it was going to be a one time thing. Well, they are here. I want to go to the soap box derby race this weekend but I won't. I am scared I will scare the kids! Anyway if anyone has every heard or had anything like this please let me know. Carl and I always said that it was my body getting rid of the other 2 embryos since last time we had 3 put in and only 1 took. They usually only happen at night as well. Last time I started with these cramps like 2 days after transfer this time is was 8 days later. My Dr has never seen anyone with this so it is put in the chart as pregnancy related because I never have them otherwise.


Jenna said...

I am glad that you were able to get your shots! I hope thay they are what you need to get you baby here safely. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Liz said...

I'm glad you got the shots! I know it's going to be hard to be positive and not have fears but your little miracles are a wonderful reason to be hopeful. I am so happy for you and praying that all goes well.

Jenn said...

I think you have a good plan - enjoying every minute of it - I am glad you are getting the shots and maybe taking it a little easy is a good thing - can help those little buggers bury in nice and deep!!
I am so looking forward to hearing how many you are carrying.
As far as cramping...I have heard of cramping in early pregnancy - but not to the degree that you describe it...I would definately write down the details (i.e. time it happens, intensity 1-10, that sort of thing) and discuss with your doc some more.

This is so Exciting!!!!

Ally said...


I'm so delighted for you!! This is just wonderful and I agree...enjoy every minute!! I hope it's twins...that's my prediction!! :)

Ineke said...

HI Heather,
I don't know if you have any cramps still, but if you do, i had them with my last pregnancy too and really bad. And not to unnerve you but my sister is also pregnant and about 25 weeks now and still having strong cramps.
I know it's awfull sometimes but i have had a very normal and healthy girl (after 2 boys where i didn't feel a thing)and my sister is having her 3rd boy now (and didn't have these cramps before either).
Sorry for rambling on. I just wanted to congratulate you and your partner very much and reassure you that althoug the cramps may be worrying (don't know if this is correct English or not but what the heck), they don't necesarrily mean something.