Monday, May 30, 2005

Second set of blood test...

I had my blood drawn on Saturday. I know he took at least 5 vials of blood. The lab tech blew my vein so had to stick me again. I waited all day again. Thinking, well if something was wrong he would definitely call. I thought about having him paged but decided not to. The Dr needs a break sometime. On Sunday, I go to town for church and get a message on my cell phone that he had called the day before and that my numbers were doubling and looked good. I wish he would have told me the numbers. I am to keep on the baby aspirin and Heprin combination. I am double checking for the Gestational Diabeties. Today fasting was good. I hope that I don't get it this time around.


Jenna said...

Awesome news!!! I am so excited for you!!!

Liz said...

I'm glad everything is looking good! Hope everything continues to go smoothly.